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In October 2019, an article in the journal Psychology of Men & Masculinities discussed how men might tend to experience depression differently than women. 

We might not easily recognize that we are depressed. Men are most likely to report symptoms like being tired, irritable, or of losing interest in work or hobbies, and not sleeping well. There might be some social pressure for men to hide their symptoms of depression and they might instead express it as anger, being more aggressive, taking more risks. They might also try to avoid dealing with it by diving into their work or taking some space (ie. distance from others) and being more independent.  

It's also common to be unwilling or unable to express emotions. We may or may not experience typical symptoms of depression such as sadness, guilt, and or feelings of worthlessness. There is some evidence to suggest that we might associate some of the symptoms of depression with weakness or think of them as feminine. It is important to work through this and men need to know that lots of us experience these symptoms.

While the causes of depression are unknown, a predisposition for it runs in families and it can be triggered by trauma and adverse life circumstances. The rates of depression are higher for both men and women in late fall.  


Depressed people are also at increased risk for self-harm. In fact, men die by suicide at a rate of about 3 and half times higher than women. Suicide is something we'd like everyone to just stop doing. But it's not as simple as that. We need to see a way past whatever is going on, and a future that looks better and hurts less.  

A diagnosis is made by an appropriate professional, such as a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, or Psychologist. Every case is unique and requires individual attention, but there are a number of effective complementary ways of treating depression, including:

•    Talk therapy
•    Exercise & quality sleep
•    Medication


If you think you might be depressed, book an appointment, come in and we can start the conversation. We will discuss how we might work together, as well as suggest any referrals that might be appropriate for you. 

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