I just need to talk
You can skip the consultation
Then we're ready to listen.
Sometimes you just need to get something off your chest, say something out loud, tell someone something that you haven't told anyone before.
And it's good to know that you won't be judged for whatever it is - whatever - it is.
We do, however, have an obligation to report an intention to hurt someone, as well as a current situation of child or elder abuse.
Just go ahead and book a session with one of us and we'll go from there. If you're not an existing client of ours, we will need to use part of that session getting some information from you and doing some standard intake stuff. We'll try to keep it brief so that you have time to say what is on your mind.
About 60% of depressed men go for treatment, but over 72% of women do.
Men are 3 to 4 times more likely to die of suicide than women are.
Only about 37% of clients and 25% of therapists are men.
Number 1 question guys ask: is this normal/ do other guys think like this?
Number 1 answer to that question: yes.
What about us?
100% of our team members are men
Over 90% of our clients are men
Over 90% who come in to meet us, book another appointment
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels