Personal Growth and Self-Improvement
Not everything in therapy is about solving problems. Sometimes, things are going well and want to build on that to continue our growth.
We will explore and make use of your core values and character strengths. We will work with you on healthy habits and goals.
We can explore things like Learned Optimism (as conceptualized by Seligman), The Growth Mindset (by Dweck), and Self-Directed Growth, among other concepts and frameworks as appropriate to you and your circumstances.
We believe that you will find value in completing the VIA Character Strengths Inventory.
There is a free version of the results and that is sufficient for us to get started. The paid version offers deeper insights and we can discuss if this is something that interests you.
We can review the results with you and then work together from a strengths-based, positive psychology, approach, to find new ways to use your leading strengths and boosting the lesser strengths.